Gainera, Bilbon egingo den GEM Global 2025 konferentziak "gure jarduera ekonomikoaren dibertsifikazioan egindako ahaleginak eta lortutako emaitzak erakusteko" balioko duela ziurtatu du. Ainara Basurkok, Bizkaiko Foru Aldundiko Ekonomia Sustatzeko diputatuak, lurraldeak berrikuntzarekin duen konpromisoa azpimarratu du: "Bizkaian etorkizun ekintzailea, berritzailea, digitala, iraunkorra eta inklusiboa eraikitzen ari gara pertsona guztientzat. Hori egiten ari gara gaur, bihar enpresari finkatuak izango diren ekintzaileei laguntzen". Gaineratu du Bizkaiak ekosistema ona eskaintzen duela, inkubagailuekin, azeleratzaileekin eta laguntza ekonomiko eta gaikuntza-programa ugarirekin. Lehen jardunaldi hau BAT Dorrean egin da, Euskadiko eta nazioarteko berrikuntza gune nagusietako batean. Inkubagailu gisa egiten duen lanak ekintzaileen, inbertitzaileen eta finkatutako enpresen arteko lotura errazten du, negozio-aukera berriak sortzeko ingurune egokia bultzatzeko helburuarekin. Funtsezko hitzordua nazioarteko ekosistema ekintzailearentzat
A weekly bulletin within the GEN Coverage and GEN Investigation group highlighting crucial entrepreneurship information, reviews, commentary, and attributes from around the globe.
This informative article might depend excessively on sources as well closely associated with the topic, most likely avoiding the post from remaining verifiable and neutral.
Ladies’s Entrepreneurship: Advertising and marketing the results of likely significant growth, significant effects Females-owned enterprises to foster advancement in GDP and Work opportunities globally.
Delegates collaborate on innovative methods to help founders start and scale new organizations that bring Concepts to life, generate financial advancement and increase human welfare.
Viewpoints expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their particular. The latest information within the new Global Entrepreneurship Watch report reveals a robust pattern for the way forward for entrepreneurship.
All global entrepreneurship participating journals and by now published papers are available about the collections landing web page right here.
Led by Rico Baldegger, a renowned expert known for his slicing-edge investigate and modern teaching techniques in scaling organizations and fashionable organizational buildings. Launching April 2025!
S. His tenure as CEO of a administration consultancy, in conjunction with his Energetic part on various boards of administrators and as a business angel, more underscores his influence and leadership in the sector.
The GEM report paints an image of an entrepreneurial potential pushed by intent, diversity and innovation. But it also reminds us of your do the job that lies ahead in building entrepreneurship additional accessible and sustainable.
GEDI’s Girls’s entrepreneurship index – the Female Entrepreneurship Index – actions the development of significant likely feminine entrepreneurship around the globe. Defined as “revolutionary, industry growing, and export oriented,” this gender unique Index makes use of GEDI’s one of a kind framework, methodology, and global technique so as to seize the multi-dimensional aspects of entrepreneurial development.
All taking part journals in addition to by now revealed papers are available about the collections landing webpage right here.
This system features an extensive tactic that mixes mentorships, an ideathon, specialised workshops, as well as a network of national and Worldwide professionals. The encounter will culminate Using the…
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